Feline Extraction Techniques

Feline Extraction Techniques with Dr Anthony Caiafa BVSc BDSc MANZCVS

This video features Dr. Anthony Caiafa demonstrating feline extraction techniques, focusing on quadrant extraction. He covers pre-operative radiographs, flap raising, and the parallel technique for radiographs. Dr. Caiafa explains the importance of avoiding the bisecting angle technique in cats due to the zygoma interference. He also discusses the use of various dental tools and techniques for effective extraction and bone smoothing.

In the video, Dr. Anthony Caiafa uses a variety of dental tools and equipment for feline extraction techniques. Here are some of the key items mentioned:

  • Radiograph Machine: For taking pre-operative radiographs using the parallel technique.
  • Sanding Discs: Used for reducing tooth structure and ensuring smooth surfaces.
  • Periosteal Elevators: For raising flaps and removing bone overlying the roots.
  • Dental Burs: Specifically football burs, used for socket curating and bone smoothing.
  • Extraction Forceps: For removing the teeth after the necessary preparations.
  • Scalpel and Blades: For making precise incisions during flap raising.

These tools help ensure effective and safe extractions while minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues.